Trying to come up with the perfect business name, brand, or blog name? Deciding on a blog name is probably one of the most important steps to creating a new blog (or business!).
You want your brand name to be catchy, easy to remember and spell, and relate to you or your product somehow. Your entire digital and promotional branding will depend on this name, so it’s not a task you should take lightly.
Creating the perfect name for your business or blog requires a little research and creativity. First, you will want to make sure that there aren’t dozens of other companies that share the name that you have in mind.
I’ve been witness to many websites and blogs that all have the same name, which is never a good thing if you’re trying to distinguish yourself from everyone else.

Having started a lot of businesses and websites in my lifetime, I have created my own little system for coming up with the perfect business or blog name in just a few steps. I thought I’d share that process with you, because it has worked for me each and every time.
When you follow the steps I’m about to show you below, make sure to add your own spin on your final name if you need to separate yourself from other sites using the same title.
How to name your business or blog
The start of this process involves scribbling a bunch of words down on a piece of paper and seeing what sticks. Super technical, right?!
These words should describe what you and what your site is about. Try to think of descriptive words that tell a story about what your blog, business or brand is about.
Your name is going to be what draws people in and helps them determine the type of site they’re stumbling upon.
Use the examples below to help you choose your perfect name. Grab a piece of paper and enter your own words as shown.
“What Is My Business or Blog About?”
In a super basic form, what will your blog posts consist of, or what niche are you filling with your business?
Example words:
- food
- healthy living
- cooking
- recipes
- vegan diets
- exercise
- happiness
- nutrition
“What are some other words for these topics?”
Try to think of some other, more unique words for these topics. or WordHippo are your best friends! Search for one of your above topics and see what other words appear. These words don’t have to make much sense right now, just write down what stands out to you.
Example words:
- Snack
- Grub
- Menu
- Goodies
- Lively
- Joy
- Delight
- Optimism
- Active
- Strong
- Fresh
- Fit
- Whole
- Fruitarian
- Bliss
- Diet
- Hearty
- Workout
- Action
- Sizzling
- Baking
- Munchies
- Fruit
- Veggies
“What other nouns or descriptive words can relate to me and my content?”
For example, who are you and what do you do? What type of content will you put out? These can be pretty basic or descriptive.
Example words:
- Girl
- Happy
- Mom
- Life
- Home
- Baker
- Meals
- Woman
- Dinner
- Queen
- Advice
- Beginner
- Sister
- Breakfast
- Health
- Kitchen
Start putting words together
Take words from each of your categories you’ve made above and start putting them together. Don’t worry, they don’t have to make perfect sense just yet. This will help you get a feel for how some of the words you’ve chosen pair together.
- Menu Mom
- Baker Girl
- Hearty Life
- Sizzling Home
- Queen of Fresh
- Fresh Kitchen
- Mom’s Munchies
- Fruitarian Delight
- Active Snacks
Try using verb tenses or other variations
Adding “ed”, “ing” and other endings to words can transform them. Even try making up your own term. This is the fun part!
- Fit Fruity Girl
- Fruited Girl
- Baker’s Bliss
- Bakerella
- Fresh and Fit
- My Fresh Kitchen
- Snacking Sisters
- Fruitsy
- Delighted Vegan
- Wholly Healthy
- Veganized
- Veggieful
What would sound good as a domain name?
Now, try to come up with a domain name! This would ultimately be your presence on the internet, so choosing your business or brand name goes hand in hand with your domain name. You’ll want to check if the domain is available (or a variation of it) before committing to it.
Wrapping it up
Play around with the name and variations of it until you find one that sticks and perfectly describes your business, brand, or blog.
If you need a little more help, here is a huge list of descriptive words!
Once you’ve come up with your name, do a quick Google search or a search on a domain registrar to see if the name and domain name has already been taken. If it has, try altering it slightly to suit your own brand.
Once you’ve settled on a blog or business name, check out this post: How To Create a Blog which walks you through setting up a new blog or WordPress business website.
I hope that helped you get a start on coming up with a great name! I’d love to know if this method worked for you… It’s been a winner for me every time!
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