This post is written by Melisa of Pie N’ the Sky. Read more about Melisa below!
I am constantly changing my iPhone cases. This time I wanted something that wasn’t bulky, but would still keep it protected while hanging out in my purse. I decided to make an easy little pouch, that is easy enough for anyone to make!
S U P P L I E S :: embroidery thread, hoop, needles, scissors, canvas material, tracing paper and pencil (optional)
E A S Y A S 1, 2, 3
1.) Depending on the design you decide to do, this step may not be necessary. Since mine was a bit intricate, I decided to draw it onto a sheet of tracing paper which will serve as a transfer. Make sure to make your lines nice and dark.
2.) Turn your paper over onto your material. Press down gently onto your sheet so that your drawing will transfer onto your material. It may come out a bit darker, but it’ll fade some. This will give you a nice pattern of what you’ll need to embroider!
3.) Place your material in your hoop and using your pattern, begin to embroider. Use any pattern you’d like, with as many or as few colors as you’d like!
4.) Once your design is finished, take your material out of your hoop. Depending on how tight the hoop was, or how long the project took, there may be a crease in your material. You can always use an iron to make sure there are no wrinkles.
5.) Use your scissors and cut out your case. Leave approx. 1/2 inch around the size of your phone. You’ll use that space when you sew. Place your material facedown on top of your second piece. Use your sewing machine to sew around the right, left and bottom edges of your case, leaving the top open (obviously). Flip your case right side out and voila!
You can always add a snap, a zipper, or even a button at the top. I need quick access to my phone, so I didn’t want to have to worry about opening and closing it. This works just fine for me! Instead of embroidering, you could always use a paint pen to decorate, or use a fabric that already has a pattern! Have fun!
xo. melisa

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