As the new year began we probably all created a big list of goals we want to reach during this new year. Being more healthy, regular workouts, starting a YouTube channel or finally writing this book we had in mind for years. Some goals are bigger, some are smaller. But they all need commitment in order to be reached. One thing that helps me to stay focused and motivated when it comes to working for and on my goals is a goal board. Because I think this is something everyone should create – I am today showing you how to make it.
Step 1: Goal List
Maybe you already have a list of your goals, if not – create it now. Think about everything you want to reach this year and write it down. Be sure to write it down detailed, as this will help you to really visualize it. I also tend to write down the certain steps which need to be accomplished in order for me to reach the big goal at the end. Take your time to do this, at the end you can look at this list and think about how long each goal will take you if you are committed to it. If you come to find that there are too many goals on your list: prioritize & simplify. It is okay to wait until next year for some goals!
Step 2: Buy a Pinboard
Pinboards are cheap but very useful! You can choose whatever size or style you want, but make sure it’s something you actually like – you’ll be looking at it all year!
Step 3: Search for Pictures & Inspirational Quotes
Look at every single goal you’ve written down in step 1 and find something that represents it. If you want to eat healthier: search for a picture filled with healthy foods or maybe a motivating quote. Do this for every one of your goals and save the pictures or quotes you selected.
Step 4: The Final Creation
This is the best step! Print and cut your images out and put them onto your pinboard. Be really creative. It is important that every time you look at your goal board – the inspiration just hits you right in the face. Just as you have for your pinboard, put some consideration into the pins you use (there are some really cute options out there) as well as the colours.
How To Use Your Goal Board
Strive to use your goal board everyday & place it somewhere where you automatically see it daily! There are many different ways to use it: as a part of your morning routine, before you start your daily work, after a meditation.. whatever! Just do it. So let’s say you decide to look at your goal board after your meditation. Sit down in front of your goal board and spend a few minutes remembering the goals behind the visuals. Look at every part separately and visualize the goal that’s attached. Visualize the moment you reach the goal, how you will feel and how how this moment would look for you. If, for example, your goal was eating healthy you could visualize your fridge filled with healthy food, visualize yourself eating it every single day and feeling the best you ever have! Why should you spend time with your goal board? We tend to slowly forget our goals during the year, stop working on them and finally lose our motivation. But if we take 5 minutes every day to look at our goal board – we will be inspired to work on them.. This technique will help you to keep going even when it gets tough. I hope you’ll have a lot of fun creating & using it!
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I really want to try and create a vision board to see if it motivates me more to achieve my goals.
The Lisa’s World