Today it is both ridiculously easy and hard to kill it as a blogger. It’s easy because anyone anywhere at any time can start a blog with as little or as much money as possible.
It’s hard because not everyone has the talent or strategy to make it past the beginning stages.
However, I will say that running a blog or online business today puts us way ahead of those who came before us because we have access to more tools and resources than we ever have before.

No matter what your current situation, how much money you’re making, where you live, how old you are, there is still as good of a chance for you to succeed in the blogging world as there is for anyone else.
Mark my words, you have the same opportunities as everyone else. It’s just a matter of having the patience, determination, and skills needed to fully use the opportunities given to us.
In order to be a blogger, influencer, public figure, whatever you want to call it, you must, must, must be an excellent storyteller. If there’s one skill you really want to master, make it storytelling.
People are obsessed with a good story today. All the videos being shared on Facebook or Instagram… stories. All the vlog content on YouTube or TikTok… stories. All the commercials on TV… stories.
It is all about the stories! Why? Well, you know what they say, facts tell, stories sell. And without sales, your blog or business is just a hobby.
So when you’re creating content, consider creating something around a story first. And when all your content is pieced together it tells a bigger story about your brand.
Ultimately you want to be a super relatable source for whatever it is you’re blogging about. You want your readers to feel like they’re going on a journey with you and you can attain all of this through storytelling.
Produce High-Quality Content
You don’t have to have the best camera, the best photographer, or the best website to produce high-quality content.
There are super successful bloggers who simply use their iPhones for pictures, their boyfriend as their photographer, and a free website as their blog.
None of that matters, what does matter is how you use what you have to the best of your ability. The bloggers who figure out that they’re only as good as their last piece of content are the ones who will kill it.
Sure professional visuals help, but it’s not the end of the world. What really matters is what’s behind the visuals. Does your content impact people in a way that gets them to take action? Are you adding massive value to your readers’ lives? Is this content your absolute best work or could you do better?
These questions will all help you determine whether or not you’re producing high-quality content.
Stay Consistent
Staying consistent with your brand is key. You want to make sure your blog topics, aesthetic, and posting schedule is consistent across the board, otherwise people will get confused as to what you actually blog about and what value you can add to their lives.
When your blog post topics are generally the same, your readers become familiar with what to expect from you, thus making you their go-to source for that specific thing. Remember it’s better to be a master at one thing than mediocre at a bunch of things.
A consistent aesthetic helps with brand recognition. Your readers will instantly know any of your pictures, graphics, or quotes when they see them because your aesthetic is so well defined and sticks to the same angles, editing, and colour palette.
Lastly, you want to stay relevant in the blogosphere which means you must have a consistent posting schedule.
If you take too much time off people will forget about you. There are hundreds of thousands of people trying to do the same thing as you, so if you’re not consistent in your posting, you can easily be replaced by another blogger who is.
Explore New Options
Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter are the head honchos right now in social media. But that won’t always be the case. You never know when a new wave of social media will hit so it’s important to keep your eyes out for new apps/platforms that you can jump on.
There is much to be said for someone who is the first on a new platform. These are the people who get noticed first and have the biggest opportunities.
New platforms are always easy to get established on because the platform wants to give the user the best experience possible because they’re just starting out.
Once the app becomes more developed/popular like Facebook and Instagram, the creators can manipulate the system a bit more and start charging for certain features that were once free, which is smart for them but annoying for us.
My point is to keep your options open because you never know what the next “big thing” is.
What is your biggest challenge of being a blogger so far?

Last Updated on
Oh yay, I love stories so good to see it confirmed here!! 🙂
xx finja |
Yes! That’s awesome Finja. Thanks so much for reading. xx
I’ve definitely found consistency to be a hard one. Sometimes it can be hard to stay inspired and feel creative which has a huge effect on consistency for me. But I agree it’s extremely important to have as a blogger!
Hey Victoria! I find it helpful to blog a shit ton when I’m really inspired. I’ll write down little notes or ideas I have and then elaborate on them later. Hope that helps! xx
Just wanted to say, I really enjoyed reading this! New fan of yours. I agree with you, that a smart blogger uses what she has on hand, and makes it work. Truly enjoying your blog thus far 🙂
Aw thanks so much Laurali, that’s so sweet. You have a beautiful name by the way. xx
Thank you so much! you just made my day 🙂
~Laurali Star
Great advice! Thanks for sharing
Thanks for reading Kendra! xx
Excellent, practical tips here!!!
Thanks so much. Love to be practical! xx
Great tips here!! I’m still building my tribe and consistency seems to be a big one!
Love that you said building your tribe! Keep building babe. Let me know if you have any questions! xx
These are some great tips – super helpful! 🙂 Thank you!
— Lisa //
Thanks so much Lisa, glad you liked them! xx
This post is so true. I’ve had my blog for quite a while now, and even though it’s been a long process, it’s my biggest passion. And I think that’s one of the main things to always hold onto!
Lauren –
Same here Lauren! It’s definitely a labor of love, right? xx
I love this advice. I really needed to hear this. Thanks! 🙂
Aw that’s awesome Maya, I’m so glad. Hope you stay in touch! xx
Great advice, esp about the consistent branding!
insta | bloglovin’
Thanks so much Jenn, means a lot! xx
This is definitely exactly what I needed to hear! I have been feeling super uninspired lately creatively, but my passion for my blog and channel has never been higher. This is the push I needed to get back into the game!
Kendra |
That’s incredible Kendra! I’m so happy I could help. Sometimes when I feel uninspired (which is rare as bratty as that sounds) I browse other people’s blogs and I draw inspo from there. It’s cliche but it really works! xx
Such informative and educative post always my prefer . You have a great thanks for shared this post on public .
Thanks so much love! I appreciate your sweet comment. xx
Great post and some really helpful tips!!
Thanks so much Anna!
Hi Brittany! Really found your post inspiring, especially for new bloggers! I definitely need to become more scheduled/consistent with my posts.
My current fear is that right now I have no followers, so any content that I do publish is being unseen. Do you have any recommendations on how to grab followers right when you start? I’m starting to explore bloglovin which is how I found you :)!
Tika (
Hi Tika! Nice to virtually meet you. Great question by the way. I would start engaging with the blogging community on Instagram (or whatever platform you’re trying to grow) – this means commenting, liking, and/or following other bloggers who are interesting to you. You want to be authentic and let your personality shine through. Once you start showing yourself more and more people will get to know you and you’ll grow for sure. Let me know how it works! xx
This is such an inspirational post! I discovered you on Zanita’s blog and follow your own blog as well. This is much needed for me as I sometimes get so down on myself because I feel no one see’s my blog and that I must be doing something wrong. Thank you for the inspiration again Brittany!! xx
Aw thanks so much Susana! Nice to see you over here too. Pleaseeeee don’t get down on yourself. We have it hard enough. You have to be your biggest fan! Builing a brand/blog takes time, lots and lots of time. xx
This was super insightful! My favorite thing to do is storytelling and I realize I haven’t done that in a while. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. While these may be obvious, it can also be a crucial step that is disregarded.
Aïchatou Bella
You’re welcome Aichatou! Sometimes we just need a friendly reminder. Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you taking the time to comment! 🙂