If no one ever started celebrating on New Year’s Eve, would the world be any different? I’d like to think so.
Every year, we go through what is never short of a 365-day rollercoaster, but we never truly get the chance to reflect on it because we are faced with yet another rollercoaster of a year.
So thank God for New Year’s Eve—the time of the year when we realize that the 31st of December offers us more than just grand celebrations. A lot more, actually. Like these little things we tend to sometimes forget.
Little things to be grateful for…
Pain that ultimately made us stronger.
Aspirations we weren’t able to accomplish, but taught us a lot about ourselves in the process.
Struggles that helped us grow.
Triumphs that we were almost able to achieve, that instilled a sense of resilience in us.
People who remain in our lives despite seeing us at our lowest points.
Recognition for all our effort and hard work.
Encouragement from those who know us best.
Simple joys that never fail to make us smile.
Everyday moments that make life worth living.
News about random acts of kindness being done all over the world.
Twenty-four hours of new opportunities.
Faith in humanity’s ability to make an impact on the world.
Understanding that our best days haven’t even happened yet.
Trust that everything will make sense someday.
Unique people that will one day change our lives.
Roadblocks that all our previous learnings will allow us to easily conquer.
Excitement and hope for the good that is to come.
New Year’s Eve helps us look back on the past with a smile, find contentment in the present, and be filled with nothing but hope for the future: a message I’ve hidden in the list above – can you find it?

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Past, Present, Future.