It’s the start of a new year. It’s a great time to start anew; try out new things, improve some skills, maybe continue with some stretch goals you made in the past year.
If you are someone who likes to plan, writing down your goals is a helpful way to work on them.
If you are one of those who does bullet journaling, a spread dedicated for your 2023 goals is something to consider having especially if you started a new journal for the New Year.
It can be hard to create a “Goals” spread from scratch even for someone who has been using the bullet journal system for years. If you need some inspiration for your bullet journal, here are some goals spreads to help get your creative juices going.
Word of the Year Spread

A trend I have been seeing much more of recently, are single words to help motivate you to do achieve your goals. This spread includes a space for your word of the year to help you create the list of goals you want to achieve for the year.
Goal Categories

If you have a long list of goals you want to achieve for the year, divide them up into categories to help you organize your thoughts.
Monthly Goals Bullet Journal Spreads

Making a full year’s goals list can be overwhelming to look at. A great way to help you with your goals is to divide your goals per month to really help you think about how to achieve them. To add something visual to your goals, a box to fill with doodles can help inspire you.
Daily Goals Bullet Journal

A great way to achieve your goals is to take it slow. Divide your goals even further by creating simple daily goals.
22 Things To Do in 2022 Bullet Journal Spread

Everyone has their typical New Year’s resolutions. Why not challenge yourself this year by making a list of 22 things to do before 2023?
Things to Check Out Goals

For some people, having New Year’s “goals” or “resolutions” can be overwhelming or even make you unmotivated. Try a “things to check out” list instead — maybe it can inspire you to create goals you didn’t know you had.
Personal Improvements Bullet Journal Spread

Here’s another simple layout dividing your New Year goals into categories such as personal development, health/fitness, finances, work and house. Pick whichever areas of your life you personally would like to improve in 2022!
Grid Card Goals Bullet Journal Spread

Looking for a unique way to track your New Year goals? Use some grid cards to list out your goals like a habit tracker!
Colourful Goal Bullet Journal Spread

If you love colour, here is a colourful goals bullet journal spread layout to inspire you! This layout is also less formally list oriented, which may help with freeform thoughts and goals.
Creative Goal Lettering for Bullet Journal

For the creative lettering artists out there, write out your New Year’s goals using beautiful lettering. Then, be sure to go back often to admire your work and be reminded of what you want to achieve this year.
Goal Due Dates

So, you’ve thought of some goals to write down. But how do you keep up with them? When creating your goals, add a space where you can write down what date you finished your goals. It makes you go back to your “goals” spread and it forces you to hold yourself accountable for them.
Dutch Door Bullet Journal Goal Spread

Another way to keep your goals in your sights while using your bullet journal is to make use of “dutch door” spreads.
Which spread inspired you the most? Always remember that there is no right or wrong way to create your own spreads. You can create spreads with a combination of some of these spreads or just use the general layout of one.
The most important thing is to make the spread work for you so you can achieve your New Year’s goals. Have fun creating!

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